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Couple's Decoded Blueprints

Full charts for a Couple

2 hr 30 min
375 US dollars
Online - Zoom

Service Description

People always think that because someone is a “challenge” to them -- their Life Path, Astrology Sign, Human Design, and so on – that they will never “work.” I have seen so many harmonious and contrasting dynamics in my many years of readings, and I will always say this: It doesn’t matter how compatible or incompatible one is with their partner(s); what makes it “work” (flow) is self-awareness (from each person), willingness to do the work, and ultimately HEART. Want to have a better awareness and understanding of you and your partner’s dynamics through the numbers? I will help you navigate, neutralize, and harmonize any potential contrasting aspects. I will pinpoint strengths and strength-builders (challenges) for better communication and deeper understanding of each other. This is no light reading and is not for the faint-hearted, but definitely for the willing and open-hearted. Each individual gets a reading of their full Numerology Blueprint, and then we deep dive into the relationship dynamics by comparing both charts and examining the numbers. This reading is over a Live Zoom Call (interactive), and recorded for your keeping, along with a copy of your PDF Decoded Blueprints. To book this reading, e-mail me with subject line "Couple's Decoded" and I will respond with an application for the information required.

Contact Details

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